1. Mist america
2. Are they closed like everywhere else
3. Tape deck
4. Twinge (expariment one)
5. Gorged Bird
6. (Today's my) Birthday Yesterday
7. Blind folds are made of lead,
8. Weekend Freedom Machine
9. I know which way the Ghosts...
10. Klemikle Sand Drain [mp3]
11. Improper solution (emperiment two)
12. Out of Towners [mp3]
13. open failure
14. Octopus overtakes her
15. Telephone reassures her
16. 18th and Church
17. When your Fever broke
18. Saturday (not a sadder day) [mp3]
19. Serious Garage Techno
20. Kymata (soundtack) [mp3]
REZANATE - Reza Monahan, Jason Breeden, and Nate Longcope.
a lost at sea production ©2001
Songs 1-11 recorded 50 Lafayette st. SF,CA 94103
Songs 12-20 recorded at Starcleaners SF, CA from 1997-1999
Ecletic and diverse debut CD, pairing intricate guitar symphonies with lo-fi tape chemistry.
Moogified swankadelia for the inner mind.
A musical puzzle. An experimental medley. A trip.
Dream Magazine #4 (2004)
"Twenty tracks in fifty one and a half minutes by this SF trio. Bird whistles and acoustic strums fold with soft envelopes, slowed spoken mishmash of stoned musings are smeared across the wall. Guitars swell up like lopsided erections only to fuzz out into blinking delicate tapping and plunking, while tentative acoustic question marks of smoke linger in the air. Fractured folk tweaking narrations of stoned paper houses in a garden populated by bees and flowers. Jandek peeks through a window and mumbles, nervous jitters are translated into tingling guitar needles and pins. Noise patterns become music boxes filled with sleeping gas, Maybe somewhere between Nurse With Wound and Jewelled Antler, with a dash of The Residents thrown in. Truly unpredictable in a schizophrenic fractured multifaceted way. "- reviewed by George Parsons
Aural Innovations #21 (October 2002)
"Rezanate are a 3 piece from the San Francisco Bay Area who have produced a very strange CD of 20 short pieces of samples, guitar drones, spoken words with weird sounds, low fi guitar excursions, and in general a collection of strange stuff that I don't quite get. I guess I should be glad that there are people that make stuff like this but I am not sure what the target audience is. Oh yeah... the last half of the CD is a compilation of material recorded between 1997 and 1999. File under experimental strangeness! "- reviewed by Scott Heller
The Broken Face - Issue #14
The Broken Face website
"3.5 diamonds / stars
Mandragora Records is a Massachusetts-based micro-label that, in their
words, specializes in "pure psychedelic noise." Last year saw the release of
its first 5 works and if I had to choose only one, I'd spend my money on
Rezanate's Missed America. It's a sprawling behemoth of intricate guitar
picking, noise, playful art-rock, tape trickery and hazy folk structures.
This might sound like an impossible equation, but the 24 tracks, which clock
in at just over one hour, are the clear evidence that this trio is able to
solve such a sonic puzzle. And not only that, as they're trying to fit all
the pieces together they stumble their way onto several glorious moments.
The Third stop on this carnival of sound is the short feedback foray "Tape
Deck," and then we're heading for the woods with the magical folk mystery of
"Improper Solution (experiment two)." The acoustic guitar echoes between the
trees as primitive percussion aims for the inner mind and the results of
this slice of experimental folk-psych can't possibly get much better. The
moogified "Open Failure" applies a somewhat progressive tone alongside the
strangely seductive and groovy psychedelia while "Octopus Overtakes Hex"
offers an abrasive, almost industrial, mélange of sound. If you're looking
for a psychedelic link between outsider folk a la Nurse with Wound and
genre-crossers like Bablicon you'll dig this beyond all senses."- reviewed by Mats Gutsafsson
Indieville.com - 6/23/02
" Resonate: to echo, usually as a result of a large noise
Resinate: to impregnate or flavour with resin
Thanks to Rezanate, I can proudly say that I have learned something today - not only the difference between resonate and resinate, but I have newly become aware of the word "resinate", and this will of course be very valuable to me in the future. I've also learned that Rezanate isn't either of these words, but is spelled completely differently, perhaps created as a combination of Reza and Nate, two of the three artists involved with Missed America. As well, I've figured out that they have chosen the combination of Rezanate for a reason; while it could have been Natereza, or even a combination including the third group member, Jason, Rezanate was named so for a reason. Whether they were attempting to play on the word "resonate" or "resinate" - well, that's another question, although I've got a pretty good clue.
Missed America, continuing in Mandragora Records' tradition of experimentation, is a thoroughly bizarre affair. Relying equally on the manipulation of the tape as its actual contents, the band offers us a mixture of experimental guitar compositions and field recordings that are often degenerated into pure sound as a result of bizarre recording methods and oddball tape effects. How the band have created the noise on this album is all beyond me, although its safe to say that they've tried a lot of things, and they've surely had their hands draped in tape more than once during its creation.
While those bent on accessibility will be scared off, those who don't mind a little hallucinogenic headfuck every once in a while will surely be greeted pleasantly by this. Who knows, maybe these crazy experimentations will resonate in your head for weeks? Ha ha ha." - Matt Shimmer